Home | Blogs | Proving Supremacy Again In Unprecedented Pandemic Situation
As we all are aware of the fact that the pandemic has not only shattered the life of adults but also it has affected the children and the whole education system. However, during this pandemic Sage International School has not only continued the online classes but has also helped teachers and students continue their normal routine through online classes, online competitions, online extra curricular activities, online yoga classes and much more. This method of education has helped students understand the various IT related technological aspects which are prevalent in offices now a days. Earlier mostly foreign based companies were using this aspect of technology for communication but now a days almost all
the sectors are using this mode of communication. This has helped students get acquainted with online mode of communication also helped them understand the technological advancement that are taking place. Students and teachers are spending more time on computer laptop and mobiles. They are using this devices more easily then they used to do earlier. Apart from this teachers have worked online for the submission of reports attendance etc. They used various softwares such as Microsoft office for Word, Excel and PDF files, PDF editing and merging of PDF etc For doing this they learned usage of software also for making videos and editing of videos and sharing of documents while on video call are some of the examples of learning of new soft
skills. Online interaction between students and teachers has made the students more comfortable and expressive with teachers. This methodology of online teaching has been effectively adopted and used by Sage International School during the pandemic. This School has come up as one of the best school of Bhopal. This school has put in tremendous efforts to continue the learning of students and has again proved that this is the best school of Bhopal.