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Good Touch & Bad Touch: A Parent’s Guide to Teaching Body Safety to Kids

A Mother's Story: A Lesson in Body Safety


Abhilasha sat at the window, observing her five-year-old daughter, Aadhya, play with her teddy bear. The purity of her laughter was heartwarming, but a persistent thought disturbed Abhilasha—how could she protect Anaya from harm when she was not present? Headlines in the news often talked about accidents that made every parent's heart skip a beat. She knew that she had to discuss good touch and bad touch with Anaya in a manner that a child would be able to comprehend.

The subject of good touch and bad touch for kids may seem intimidating, but discussing it early creates a feeling of safety and confidence among children. If you are a parent, teacher, or caregiver, this booklet will assist you in educating children about body safety in a warm and age-appropriate way.

Understanding Good Touch and Bad Touch


Children receive various forms of touch daily—hugs from relatives, high-fives from peers, and pats on the back from educators. However, how are they supposed to distinguish between an appropriate, loving touch and one that is not?


What is a Good Touch?


A good touch is one that a child feels is safe, comfortable, and loved. Some examples include:

•    A hug from parents or grandparents
•    Holding hands with an adult one trusts while walking across the road
•    A friendly pat on the back to offer support
•    An examination by a doctor with the accompaniment of a parent
•    These physical contacts instill security and affection. Describing these instances aids in making the child aware of and accept safe contacts.


What is a Bad Touch?


A bad touch is that which causes a child to be frightened, uncomfortable, or not safe. These include:

•    Touching intimate body parts for an invalid purpose
•    Being hugged or kissed against their will
•    Any secret touch or threatened touch
•    A touch that makes them "feel weird" or not right
•    It is important to educate children that their bodies are their own and that they should say "NO" to any touch that feels incorrect.


How to Teach Good Touch and Bad Touch to Kids


Parents and teachers adopt the Child safety good touch bad touch methods combining storytelling, role-playing, and open dialogue to impart these ideas to impressionable minds. 
These strategies educate children about personal boundaries, inappropriate behavior and the confidence to express their concerns. 
Here's how you can do it:

1. Speak with an Age-Appropriate Tone

•    With preschoolers, don't use complicated explanations. Employ straightforward phrases such as, "Your body is special, and only people you trust should help you with some things, like getting dressed or going to the restroom."

For older children, encourage discussions by asking, “What would you do if someone touched you in a way that made you feel uncomfortable?”


2. Introduce the “No-Touch” Zones

•    Children should be taught that the parts covered by undergarments are private. Only parents, caregivers, or doctors (with a parent’s presence) should touch those areas for valid reasons like bathing or medical checkups.


3. The "NO-GO-TELL"

•    NO: Say "NO!" loud and firm. This is a firm message.
•    GO: Make a quick exit from the situation. Don't delay.
•    TELL: Inform a trusted adult of what occurred. This may be a parent, teacher, relative, or other adult whom the child trusts.

Children must practice this rule.  Practicing different situations through role-playing can make them feel more confident in saying "NO," quickly leaving a situation, and identifying who they can speak to for assistance.  This assists them in protecting themselves and understanding what to do if they ever feel unsafe or uncomfortable.


4. Practice Open Discussions

Most children are reluctant to report uncomfortable incidents because they are afraid or confused. Make a judgment-free zone for them. Ask every day, "How was your day? Was there anything that made you feel uncomfortable or upset?"


5. Read Books and Watch Instructional Videos

Books and animated videos on good touch and bad touch for preschoolers are great resources. They introduce ideas using characters and scenarios children can identify with, making learning interesting and memorable.


Recognizing Signs of Discomfort in Children


It's important to realize that kids, even when they're urged to speak freely, may have difficulty articulating feelings of discomfort.  They may lack the vocabulary or feel uneasy about openly stating what's troubling them.  So, it's vital to observe subtle changes in behavior that may signal something is amiss.  These red flags may be:

•    Behavioral changes: Observe rapid withdrawal from their normal activities that they normally have fun doing, inexplicable changes in mood (becoming significantly irritable, sad, or anxious), or alterations in normal routines.

•    Avoidance: Pay attention if a child begins avoiding certain people, places, or situations without justification. This might be an indicator of a negative experience related to those things.

•    Sleep disturbances:  Nightmares, trouble falling asleep, or alterations in their sleep routine can be indicative of underlying discomfort or stress.

•    Alterations in appetite:  Loss of appetite for a notable duration or, on the contrary, an unusual appetite increase may be associated with emotional distress.

•    Physical complaints:  Children may communicate their unease through physical symptoms such as stomach pain, headaches, or other pains without a known medical explanation.

If you notice any of these symptoms in a child, it's important to approach them with compassion and understanding.  Make them feel safe to express their feelings. Let them know that you're there to listen without judgment and that they can confide in you about anything, no matter how small or large it may feel.  Let them know that you want to assist them.

Role of Schools in Child Safety


SAGE International School (SIS) has an important role for Good touch and bad touch for preschoolers to play in creating awareness in many ways. We organize body safety workshops, interactive sessions, and parent seminars to make children aware of personal boundaries. Promoting such activities in schools can offer more safety nets for children.

What to Do When Your Child Says There's a Bad Touch?

When your child courageously comes to you about an awkward or disturbing situation, your reaction matters.  It can be the difference between their healing and security.  Here's how to handle this sensitive moment:

•    Be a calm harbor: Your child has trusted you with something painful.  Refrain from acting out in anger, panic, or outward distress, even if you feel it. Your calmness will make your child feel that they've made the correct decision in telling you and that you can manage this together.  Breathe deeply, and establish a safe environment for them to confide in.  Imagine yourself as a firm anchor in a storm.

•    Believe their truth:  Children rarely fabricate stories about these kinds of situations.  When they speak up, they're sharing their reality.  Listen attentively and with an open heart.  Don't question their experience or minimize their feelings.  Your belief in them is paramount to their sense of validation and healing.  Let your child know, "I believe you," and reinforce that they did the right thing by telling you.

•    Recognize their bravery: It is a huge act of courage for a child to speak about something awkward or scary.  Compliment their bravery for speaking up.  Tell them something like, "I'm so proud of you for telling me.  It was very brave of you to tell me this."  This permits them and lets them know that they can trust you.

•    Take decisive action:  After listening to your child, take the necessary steps to ensure their safety and well-being. This may involve reporting the situation to the appropriate authorities, such as the police or child protective services.  Don't hesitate to seek professional help from therapists or counselors who specialize in supporting children through difficult experiences. Most of all, keep giving your child your unconditional emotional support through this. 

 Make sure they understand that you're there for them, no matter what, and that you'll do everything to keep them safe.  Be their champion and their rock.


Conclusion: Building a Safer World for Children


Abhilasha embraced Aadhya tightly, relief washing over her.  Moments before, they'd talked – the one that every parent fears but knows they must have.  Anaya, her bright-eyed six-year-old, now knew the distinction between a safe and an unsafe touch.  She knew what to do if ever she was uncomfortable or afraid. It was not a one-off conversation but the start of a continuous dialogue, one of empowerment.  SAGE International School is one of the  top cbse schools in Bhopal where Abhilasha was confident  Aadhya was in safe hands.

Good touch, Bad touch, Child Safety, and Education are not a one-time discussion but an ongoing one at SAGE International School Bhopal. We promote open communication lines and create a haven where children feel comfortable questioning and expressing their feelings. We familiarize them with safety rules, not as a theory, but in the form of interactive activities and role-playing, so they can feel secure and capable of being their bodyguards. At SIS, we're not only educating children in the classroom; we're shaping their emotional intelligence and enabling them to live in the world confidently and resiliently. We have a sexual harassment policy in place, aligned with government guidelines, to ensure a safe and respectful environment for everyone. Let's prioritize body safety as parents, educators, and caregivers—because every child deserves to grow up safe, respected, and loved.


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Disclaimer:   The names and characters you will meet are fictional, with no connection to anyone walking on Earth. Any similarity is just coincidence—or if a name sounds familiar, perhaps you're Wonderfully the Lucky One!  


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